Gather By Manuka Honey Blog

Is Manuka Honey 100 MGO Good for You?
Manuka honey with an MGO rating of 100 may not be the highest in antibacterial potency, but it does offer valuable health benefits and versatility. It can combat harmful bacteria, soothe sore throa...
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Gather By's Innovative Solution To The Australian Varroa Mite Challenge
Australia Transitions to Management Stage in Varroa Mite Emergency Response Last week, the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) officially announced that Australia has transitioned from eradi...
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What is 'MGO' in Manuka Honey?
MGO in Manuka honey refers to methylglyoxal, the key compound that gives the honey its antibacterial strength, derived from the nectar of the Australian Manuka tree. The concentration of MGO determ...
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A Grower Case Study - Meet Herbert
Inspiration I’ve been in sales for the past 35 years, however, I’m the happiest when my wife Kerry and I see Sydney in our rear vision mirror and are going ‘bush’. Before buying our farm South ...
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Why Does Honey Crystallise and Can You Still Eat It?
Crystallisation in Manuka honey is a natural process where glucose solidifies. This process does not compromise the honey's quality, with crystal textures varying by crystallisation speed and stora...
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Ask Matt, our Founder - Why Gather By?
What drove you to found Gather By? What were the problems you were seeking to solve? I started Gather By to try to help fix some of the big issues around climate change and our food s...
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Food is Medicine - How Manuka honey heals
Gather By's Australian Manuka honey is a powerful antibiotic, aids in burns and wound care, boosts your immune system, aids in gut health, and reduces dental plaque. Now, based on scientific studi...
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