Manuka Honey Reviews

australian manuka flowers with a bee
Gather By Manuka Honey Reviews
"I have had an extremely painful shoulder and left arm for the last several months, I thought as the honey is anti-inflammatory and inflammation causes pain, then the honey might help.  I have been taking 1 teaspoon morning and night of the 2000 until it finished this morning, I will go onto the 500 and then the 250.  This morning the pain seems to have pretty well gone from my shoulder and arm and I am able to lift my arm up almost without pain.  The only thing different I have been doing is taking the honey so I feel certain that the honey has given me this relief.  Thank you so much, once this lot of honey is finished I will be ordering more."
Coralie, Au
"I applied the mgo2000 to my operation wound over the part that was weeping and very 
        red within 2 days the weeping stopped and the redness was gone, using Betadine 
        healing was very slow. I recommend the honey, it is a great healer.
        Thanks for the great service and advice!"
        Ian & Doris, Au

"I put Gather By’s strongest honey on any sores, burns, blisters, wounds or cuts and it heals them very quickly.  I also love it in my cup of tea in the morning."

          Julie H, Gold Coast, AU
"I used Gather By’s strong MGO honey to help heal my new tattooI love my tattoo."
Reanna N, Gold Coast AU
"My mum got me on to this.  I’m a 16 year old high school student and I take Gather By’s strongest honey when I start to get a sore throat and it stops it straight away. "
Grace H, Gold Coast AU
"I used MGO800 on my sore throat and it stopped it straight away."
Liam, Gold Coast AU
"I used to get sore throats and cold’s a lot but since taking Gather By’s honey it has certainly lessened if not got rid of symptoms altogether."
Grace M, ACT AU
"To keep my immunity strong, I take Gather By’s 250 MGO every day.  If I feel something come along like a cold or a throat/ear infection, I coat the infection with super high MGO 1000 honey.  I never get sick now. "
James B, NSW AU
"We make sure we have a range of Gather By honey in the pantry.  If I feel any cold/flue-like symptoms I use the strongest straight away."
"I have Gather By honey in my tea every morning and especially loved it when I had Covid."
Holly S,  London, UK 
"I take MGO250 every morning for energy to start my exercise regime.  Love it so much I distribute the honey throughout the UAE. "
Dr O,  Abu Dhabi, UAE 
"I use Gather By’s MGO500 to stop my recurring staph infection.  I’m old now and feel the honey has extended my life."
"We keep a little 125g jar of Platinum range in our medicine cabinet for cuts and burns, sore throats and stings."
Beth, NSW AU
"Every night I take a spoonful of MGO 250. It helps me get a more deep sleep than I did before."
Linda,  Lincoln UK 
"I used Gather By’s honey to soothe the pain of a red ant bite. It gave me immediate relief from the pain and discomfort."
Roger , NSW AU 
"Recently I was involved as a volunteer cleaning up peoples houses after flooding. Spending 4 days on my knees cutting up and removing carpet. Whilst doing so, I knelt on a wall tack. 2 days later my knee had become very sore and inflamed, with puss coming from the entry point. I applied some MGO 1050+ to the wound site, twice throughout the day. The next day, all swelling and discomfort was gone."
Reece, NSW AU